
Smooshy – Adopted July 2022

Neutered Male 3-5 y/o Black and White Persian

Dear, dear Smooshy with the soulful eyes is looking for love! He’s happy in his foster situation, but would really love a home to call his own. He’s proven to be a fine companion for other nice cats and maybe even with friendly dogs. One thing to note: we do feel strongly that our rescue Persians should be safely indoors, since they are not street smart. They should NEVER be able to run free outside. However, we’ve learned that Smooshy is very happy when there is a safe, protected place like a “catio” or other extremely protected place where he can put his little face in the sunshine. It’s not mandatory for his new home, but it would be nice for him if it can be arranged! Will you be Smooshy’s forever human?

For info, call Pat –