How you can help

(or scroll down for Volunteering)

We are an all-volunteer and foster organization. PHCR is a 501(c)3 corporation, which makes all donations 100% tax-deductible. 100% of donations go to the cats and their adoption.

Your generous donations cover:

  • Vet bills
  • Shelter fees when we need to get a cat out of a shelter
  • Boarding fees
  • Support for long-term fosters
  • Promoting the cats – internet fees, flyers, etc.


– By PayPal:

– By check, payable to:

Persian and Himalayan Cat Rescue,
P.O. Box 475482.
San Francisco,
CA 94147-5482

– Choose PHCR as your Amazon Smile beneficiary:

Then shop on Proceeds are donated to PHCR.


  • Transport – pick up cats at shelters or homes and deliver them to where they need to go
  • Foster – provide a safe place for a cat while he or she waits for a forever home
  • Fundraising
  • Grant writing
  • Public Relations
  • Legal

If you’d like to help, email us at