Available Cats


Neutered Male 3 y/o White Persian

Marcel is an adorable love-bug and has become great friends with Buddy in their foster space. We think they’d be a super duo to adopt together if you would like a ready-made cat family of two cats who are thrilled to stay together. It’s constant entertainment with these two. No dogs or small children, please.

For info, call Pat –

Available Cats


Neutered Male 3 y/o Orange and White Persian

Sweetie-pie Buddy loves to be loved, and also loves playing with Marcel in their foster space. We think they’d be a super duo to adopt together if you would like a ready-made cat family of two cats who are thrilled to stay together. It’s constant entertainment with these two. No dogs or small children, please.

For info, call Pat –

Available Cats


Spayed Female 2 y/o White Persian

Sadly, Abigail’s person passed away and she’s looking for a new home. Cute as a little button, Abigail is very sweet, but also shy. Her new, forever person will be someone who has all the time and love in the world to bring little “Abby” back to happiness and a feeling of safety. She might do well with another mellow cat friend.

For info, call Pat –

Available Cats


Spayed Female 5 y/o White Persian

Sadly, Ethel’s person passed away and she’s looking for a new home. Strike one in Ethel’s life is losing her mom, and strike two is that she’s a bit hard of hearing. But, Ethel doesn’t let these things stop her and her active, fun-loving and people-loving ways! What a sweetie. She would thrive with a mellow, loving adult human. Since she’s hard of hearing, we think there should be no other pets or even small children in the home. All she asks is extra love and assurance to make her feel secure in her hearing-challenged world.

For info, call Pat –

Available Cats


Spayed Female 8 months old Calico Persian

The lucky person or family who welcomes Aubergine into their home as a forever family member should be prepared for years of fluffy cuteness in their lives. Only 8 months old right now, she will probably look like a cute kitten forever with those big round eyes and fuzziness. Are you interested? Aubergine would prefer to be your one and only cat, please. No small children either, but a friendly dog could be OK.

For info, call Pat –