Angel adopted May 2019Bella adopted August 2019Bloke adopted September 2019Celeste adopted November 2019Delphine adopted December 2019Dharma adopted February 2019Ethel adopted May 2019Gilda adopted March 2019Harry adopted February 2019Heidi adopted April 2019Kat adopted May 2019Kimmie adopted March 2019Lulu Lemon adopted June 2019Luna adopted August 2019Milo adopted March 2019Oliver adopted March 2019Oreo adopted September 2019Pierre adopted March 2019Puffer adopted February 2019Puffie adopted February 2019Romeo adopted April 2019Rusty adopted November 2019Sophie adopted January 2019Teddy adopted with Milo, June 2019Milo adopted with Teddy, June 2019Bhola adopted with Newton, December 2019Newton – Adopted with Bhola, December 2019