About Us
We were founded in 1990 to help with placement and care of unwanted and abused Persian cats.
Contact us
Email: info@persiancats.org
Phone: 925-838-1838 (Pat)
Write: PO Box 475482, San Francisco, CA 94147
Our History
In 1990, a Persian cat named “Rudy” was left at the cat grooming shop of Wanda Roe. The caregiver did not return for Rudy. So, Wanda found a new home for Rudy with one of her grooming clients. Having been able to place Rudy so quickly, Wanda thought of Maureen Munns, who ran Persian Rescue in Livermore, and offered to place some of her Persian Rescues.
Wanda and Maureen worked together until the late ’90’s, when Maureen retired from Rescue. At that time, most of the cats in Rescue were housed and adopted at Wanda’s in Mill Valley, CA.

These days, we are totally virtual. No central location – just the website, other sites where our cats are posted, and some wonderful foster homes around Northern California.
Thanks to:
THANK YOU To those people who have adopted cats from us. You are lifesavers! When we move a cat into a new home, we can bring another cat in to Rescue before he or she is euthanized elsewhere.
THANK YOU!! To the volunteers who keep the Rescue going. Without you, the task would be too big!!
THANK YOU!! To the veterinarians for their support and services and reduced rates!!